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Version: v7.x

Fallback to Canvas

By default the PixiJS renderer uses the power of hardware acceleration (WebGL), but sometimes you need fallback support for browsers that do not support WebGL or more modern JavaScript features.

Luckily this is possible using a legacy pixi package.


If using the entire pixi package, make sure to install the legacy package instead of pixi.js:

npm install pixi.js-legacy

For advanced users using @pixi scoped modules, make sure to properly import pixi's canvas packages:

import '@pixi/canvas-display';
import '@pixi/canvas-extract';
import '@pixi/canvas-graphics';
import '@pixi/canvas-mesh';
import '@pixi/canvas-particle-container';
import '@pixi/canvas-prepare';
import '@pixi/canvas-renderer';
import '@pixi/canvas-sprite-tiling';
import '@pixi/canvas-sprite';
import '@pixi/canvas-text';

Also note that these will not be installed for you. You will need to install them yourself

npm install @pixi/canvas-display


Unlike in previous versions (<=6.x), pixi-react will automatically defer to the user installed pixi package(s) for rendering, so you can continue to use the @pixi/react and @pixi/react-animated packages as normal. There's no need to replace these with different legacy builds.


Check the PixiJS welcome message in your console to make sure your application is actually running in Canvas, you should see something like:

In PixiJS v7 upwards, this welcome message is disabled by default, to enable it pass through hello: true in your application options. If for some reason you specifically want to force canvas rendering in an environment that supports WebGL then you also need to pass forceCanvas: true:

<Stage options={{ hello: true, forceCanvas: true }} />