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Extending Built-in Components

The props for built-in components are available on the PixiElements type and can be used to extend the built-in types.

import { type Texture } from 'pixi.js';
import { type PixiElements } from '@pixi/react';

export type TilingSpriteProps = PixiElements['pixiTilingSprite'] & {
image?: string;
texture?: Texture;

Custom Components

@pixi/react already offers types for built-in components, but custom components need to be added to the library's type catalogue so it knows how to handle them. This can be achieved by adding your custom components to the PixiElements interface. Here's what it may look like to add the viewport component from our earlier extend example:

// global.d.ts
import { type Viewport } from 'pixi-viewport';
import { type PixiReactElementProps } from '@pixi/react';

declare module '@pixi/react'
interface PixiElements
viewport: PixiReactElementProps<typeof Viewport>;

Now you'll be able to use your custom component in your project without any type errors!

Unprefixed Elements

If you like to live life on the wild side, you can enable unprefixed Pixi elements (i.e. <container> instead of <pixiContainer>) by adding the UnprefixedPixiElements interface to the PixiElements interface.

// global.d.ts
import { type UnprefixedPixiElements } from '@pixi/react';

declare module '@pixi/react'
interface PixiElements extends UnprefixedPixiElements {}

The prefixed and unprefixed elements have the same functionality, but we recommend sticking to the prefixed components to avoid collisions with other libraries that add intrinsic elements to JSX (such as react-dom and @react-three/fiber).

[!IMPORTANT] Some components conflict with other libaries, such as <svg> in react-dom and <color> in @react-three/fiber. To address this the pixi prefixed elements are always available, even after injecting the unprefixed elements.